Table of contents
- Brussels Airport (97 km)
- Brussels South Charleroi Airport (93 km)
Train stations
- Liège-Guillemins Station (9.4 km)
- Herstal Station (2.3 km)
Provided and offered by the organizer :
- between the train station of Herstal and the official hotel (only)
- between the sports hall and the official hotel (only) in the morning and in the evening.
Provided but invoiced :
- Any individual transports from other locations will be invoiced to the players.
Information about the transfer between Brussels or Brussels South Charleroi airports and Liège train station could be given by the organizer.
- Private taxi/shuttle (2-6 people)
- From/To Brussels Airport or Brussels South Charleroi Airport
To/from the official hotel : 150,00 € (one-way)
- From/To Brussels Airport or Brussels South Charleroi Airport
- Private bus (45 people, 1 luggage/pers. incl.) :
- From/To Brussels Airport or Brussels South Charleroi Airport
To/from the official hotel : 750,00 € (one-way)
- From/To Brussels Airport or Brussels South Charleroi Airport
Tourist Office
Further information on